
Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy contents was last updated on January 1, 2020.

We respect your right to privacy.

Welcome to the Manifest vision (the “Manifest vision” or “We”) website located at www.manifestvision.in (the “Website”). It is provided in accordance with our obligations under the INDIAN DATA protection act.Manifest vision provides this Website to you subject to the following Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (together, the “Terms”). When you use this Website, you agree to abide by these Terms. If you do not agree to abide by these Terms, you may not use this Website. Please read the Terms carefully.

We will not collect any personally identifiable information about you unless it is in response to you using our Website or actively registering for one of our online products. The security of your personally identifiable information is extremely important to us.

This Privacy Policy is regularly reviewed to make sure that we continue to serve your privacy interests and we reserve the right to update it as we deem necessary.

About Us

In this Privacy Policy, references to “we” or “us” are to Maniffest vision under the aegis of Tulsi Foundation Patna,Bihar(registered number 8989) .The Manifest vision reserves the right to make changes to this Website and to modify the Terms at any time at its sole discretion. We encourage you to review the Terms frequently for modifications. By your use of this Website, you agree to abide by any such modifications to the Terms, which are binding on you.


If you merely download material or browse through the Website, our servers may automatically collect certain information from you which may include:
(a) the name of the domain and host from which you access the Internet;
(b) the browser software you use and your operating system.
(c) the Internet address of the website from which you linked to the Website.

The information we automatically collect may be used to improve the Website to make it as useful as possible for our visitors; however, such information will not be tied to the personal information you choose to provide to us.

We do collect and keep personally identifiable information when you choose to voluntarily submit such information. For example, if you choose to fill out a form on the Website we retain the information submitted by you. You should not submit any information that you do not want to be retained. After we have taken the appropriate action in response to your submittal, we retain the information you submit for our records and to contact you from time to time. Please note that if we decide to change the manner in which we use or retain personal information, we may update this Privacy Policy, at our sole discretion.


When you register on the Manifest vision Website, when you create and update your Learner profile, and when you purchase Online Courses on the Website, we and third parties working with us will collect the following information:
Name, email address, age (required)
Home address, date of birth, telephone number, country of nationality (required for certain courses)

Other personal data if you choose to register for a Manifest vision account via third party sites including Facebook and Google, and have provided your personal information on those platforms Credit/debit card information
Pan card number
Adhar number
Passport number
Marital status
Education details
Information provided by you when you correspond with us (including via surveys)
Information provided from third party sources, such as our Partners who may invite you to a certain course.

We collect information about you and your use of our service, your interactions with us as well as information regarding your computer or other device used to access our service. This information includes your activity on our Website, such as classes, study materials, courses and search queries; details of your interactions with customer service , such as the date , time and reason for contacting us, transcripts of any chat conversations, and if you call us , your phone number and call recordings; device IDs or other unique identifiers, device and software characteristics (such as type and configuration), connection information, statistics on page views , referring source (for example, referral URLs), IP address (which may tell us your general location), browser and standard web server log information, information collected via the use of cookies, web beacons and other technologies.
With the help of backend applications, we aim at providing better services and better interaction with teachers, depending on the beneficiary’s line of interest. We also may ask for this information at other times, such as when you enter contests or other promotions sponsored by us and/or our partners.

If you use a feature that requires payment of a fee options like NEFT, or Card will appear. In case of payments via credit or debit card, we will redirect you to registered payment gateways such as razorpay, ccavenue, payubiz and other such registered gateways. You may store and save your payment details like card numbers with the gateway. We do not have access to this data. All payment transactions are processed through secure payment gateway providers. We do not store any card information (other than the last 4 digits of your card) in our servers.
When you use one of our paid products, we track the web pages, and information that has been accessed by you, and store it on our servers. This enables us to track items that you have completed, and those that you need to see.

The user's full name and his/her display picture can be publicly displayed on the Website. Depending on what profile and what services they are seeking, Manifest vision can ask for more information relating to address, billing information, certificates, past employment information etc.
Manifest vision can use technologies such as cookies, clear gifs, log files, and flash cookies for several purposes, including to help understand how you interact with our Website and services, to provide a better experience.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties:

The Manifest Vision does not rent or sell personal information that you choose to provide to us nor does the manifest vision disclose credit card or other personal financial information to third parties other than as necessary to complete a credit card or other financial transaction or as required by law. The Manifest Vision does engage certain third parties to perform functions and provide services, including, without limitation, hosting and maintenance, customer, database storage and management, payment transaction and direct marketing campaigns. We will share your personal information with these third parties, but only to the extent necessary to perform the functions and provide the services, and only pursuant to binding contractual obligations requiring such third parties to maintain the privacy and security of your data.

Data Retention

1.1 We retain personal information we collect from you where we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so (for example, to provide you with a service you have requested or to comply with applicable legal, tax or accounting requirements).
1.2. When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or anonymise it or, if this is not possible (for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.

Storage and Security of Information

1.1 All information is stored on our secure servers. When you register, we will ask you to choose a password which enables you to access the Online Courses and Content. You are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share this password with anyone.

Legal Basis for Processing Your Information

We have several legal bases for collecting and using the personal information described above. They are:
1.1 Where the use of your personal information is necessary to perform our obligations under any contract with you (including providing you with access to Online Courses on the Website for which you have registered and/or made a purchase);
1.2. Where we have your explicit consent to collect, store, and use your information for a particular purpose, including where you consent to receiving marketing and promotional communications for products on our Website or third party websites;
1.3. Where use of your personal information is necessary for purposes of pursuing FutureLearn’s legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party such as our Course providers, as long as these interests are not outweighed by your own interests, fundamental rights, or freedoms. For example, we will need to ensure that in these cases you would reasonably expect your personal information to be used, and that it would have a minimal impact on your personal privacy. Such legitimate interests are:
1.4 to conduct our day-to-day business, including the operation of a fully functioning website offering online educational products;
1.5 to ensure we are delivering a high level of customer service through ongoing customer communications and responses to customer queries;
1.6 to invest, test and roll out new products which we believe will benefit our customers or prospective customers;
1.7. track and ensure completion of contractual obligations
1.8 carry out market research and business development;
1.9. to operate our website;
2.1. to consider your employment application, if you apply for a role at our company;
2.2. In some cases, we may have a legal obligation to collect personal information from you.

How we use your information

1.1. In providing our online services and products to you, we and third parties we work with will collect, store, and use your personal information for the following purposes:
1.2 to manage your Learner account;
1.3. to provide technical support to you;
1.4. to send you email notifications and updates about Courses you are enrolled on;
1.5 where you are invited by a Course provider or a third party institution such as your employer to enrol on a Course, to allow the that entity to enrol you on the Course, and to monitor and track your progress on the Course;
1.6 to contact you occasionally in order to invite you to share your opinions of and experiences with Manifest vision, and to to publish customer reviews and ratings of our Courses on our Website or on other media channels;
1.7 for marketing purposes, where you provide us with your consent to receive marketing communications, which may include email and/or telephone communications with information, news, and offers of Courses on our Website
1.8 to share general user data with our Online Course providers for research related to online education (as more fully set out below); and
1.9 We use cookies to collect information relating to your use of the Website to enable, maintain and improve the functioning of our Website and the quality of our products and services. For more information, please see our Cookies Policy.


Manifest vision website, similar to other standard websites, tracks Web browsing patterns to understand how the website is being used. This “generic” information is collected through the use of “cookies,” which are text files placed on your computer to “remember” your preferences such as calendar settings and site bookmarks on the website from visit to visit, or to maintain your “logged in” status when visiting password-protected areas. Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally-identifiable information while on our site. Web browsers have settings allowing you to reject cookies, selectively accept cookies, or delete cookies previously accepted. Please be aware that rejecting or deleting cookies from our website may make certain functions unavailable to you.

Log Files

Like most website servers, this website uses statistical packages such as Google Analytics to analyze trends in how the website is accessed and utilized. Information monitored includes Internet protocol (IP) addresses, geographic location of visitors (country, city), browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp, time spent on pages, and keywords used to find our site via search engines. This information is anonymous and cannot be directly linked to individual users. We may use it to identify high-use or low-use areas of the site, pinpoint problem areas of the site, analyze broad demographic trends in our visitors, and make decisions about how to make it easier for people to find and navigate our website.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics to help understand how visitors engage with the site. Your Web browser automatically sends certain information to Google. This includes, for example, the Web address of the page that you're visiting and your IP address. Google may also set cookies on your browser, or read cookies that are already there. If you would like further information on how Google uses data when you use our website you may visit: www.manifestvision.in With COVID-19 spreading, lots of students have to learn online.

In fact, online learning is generally becoming a norml for everyone to become a life-long learner. Therefore, how to protect the personal data and privacy in online learning is becoming an important issue for students, parents, and administrators. In order to protect personal data and privacy, students should understand how the personal data are produced when they are learning online, and how to preserve the privacy. several issues are addressed for personal data and privacy protection when learners are learning online. First, online learning and the typical learning activities are presented and the personal data generated in the learning process are described. The legislations, regulations and policy of personal data protection for children are also tabled in the content. The overall legislations and regulations on personal data protection are also listed. It is urgent for students to protect their personal data in online learning. The definition and constitutes of personal data and privacy, especially the lifecycle of online personal data. The characteristics of student data and the privacy are also articulated. The privacy framework and principles are also listed. Then the data collected in online learning and the rights for students and parents for the data have discussed The manifest vision aims to present the basic ideas on how to protect personal data for on line learning and give concrete guidance for learners on specfic learning activities .Manifest vision have try to make the smart learning environment and personal data protection .

Students can choose to have their own learning sequenced, directed, and evaluated with the assistance of a teacher. This interaction can take place within a community of inquiry, using a variety of internet-based synchronous and asynchronous activities (video, audio, computer conferencing, chats, or virtual world interaction). These synchronous and asynchronous online environments will promote the development of social and collaborative skills.

Students can also interact directly with the learning content that they find in multiple formats. The second model of learning illustrates the structured learning tools (simulations, games, virtual labs, etc.) associated with independent learning
(1) Categories of online learning tools
Effectively selecting and using learning tools is beneficial to learners in finding and processing information, constructing knowledge, collaborating with peers, expressing understanding and evaluating learning effects in concrete ways The convenience of tools should be taken into consideration when choosing learning scenarios. Specifically, tools should be convenient and quick to:
(a) help teachers effectively produce and manage resources, release notices and manage students;
(b) help students obtain resources, participate in learning activities;
(c) help teachers and students interact in real time; and,
(d) help teachers, parents and schools understand students' learning performance and make timely school-home interaction. In order to facilitate teachers at all levels to quickly select various learning tools for a smooth online teaching, learning tools are fillowing categories, as shown below:
• Tools for synchronous live teaching, including software on interactive teaching, remote offline, online-course.
• Tools for asynchronous teaching, including all kinds of online teaching platforms national level, regional level and university community level, as well as those launched by universities and enterprises
• Tools for self-regulated learning, including learning apps for all subjects
• Tools for knowledge construction, including cognitive tools, collaborative editing tools, virtual simulation tools, etc.
• Tools for learning analytics, including apps, websites, and interactive class software supporting data analysis
• Tools for practice and evaluation, including all kinds of tools suitable for conducting practice and the evaluation of learning results
• Tools for resources and class management, including all kinds of tools suitable for the effective organization of online learning with abundant learning resources, a large number of students and learning tasks

Typical steps for online learning
When considering data protection in online learning, it is important to know the typical steps for using multitype online learning tools.
1) Preparing devices, network, and tools
Before learning online, preparing the devices, networking, tools, and reading privacy policy are basic aspects for personal data protection, which can guarantee the quality of online learning.
• Setting up your device
• Managing network connection on your device
• Selecting and installing learning tools
• Browsing the privacy policy
2) Preserving privacy when signing up/in on learning platforms When signing in on any learning platforms, the first and most important behavior is to register in the platform, however, the importance is often ignored by users which leads to forget the username/password, leak password, or other issues.

• Using strong password to create account Social networking tools are increasingly being used in online learning, providing students with a medium in which they can actively engage with each other and with their teachers, co-create knowledge, share experiences, work and learn collaboratively. However, the use of social networks among students may affect their academic life negatively. This is buttressed by the fact that the personal data may leak in social network, their use constitutes distractions, as well as that the students tend to invest a good deal of time in the use of such technologies.

Students and parents’ rights to data

Data subject rights We value your trust Privacy laws grant people the rights to keep their personal data. Under the privacy protection laws, individuals have certain rights to their personal information. These are:
The right to access
The right to data portability
The right to be informed
The right to have information corrected
The right to restrict processing
The right to object