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JEE/NEET/11th and 12th/Foundations

"Turning Challenges into Opportunities" with over live Online class room program
Attend Live Classes By
India's top JEE/NEET faculty
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Our Student Love Us ! Many Have praised our services and how we changed their lives. Here what they have to say about us.

Ritik Raj

AIR - 35

NEET - 2020

For the success I got AIR 35  in NEET exam. I am very much thankful to Manifest vision class room program. It is really an awesome place which gives wings to our dream. The strategy of “By You For You” makes it unique. The balanced approach and group learning makes it a boon for students who are preparing for NEET exam. Thanks to Manifest Vision .

Krishna kumar

Studying in Manifest Vision was one of the best decisions. The faculty has been very cordial & supportive. They always tried their best to help me. I have been selected for IIT as result of the hard work put in by teachers. I was selected as 3 rd rank in Jee Main 2020 & I consider the excellent study material provided by Manifest Vision one of the greatest reasons for my success.


AIR - 180

NEET - 2020

I would like to thank all the teachers of Manifest Vision who helped me throughout my journey. They helped me by guiding me and clearing all my doubts. They helped me in making the concepts crystal clear. The fundamental booklets of Manifest Vision are very helpful .They understood my pattern of learning. and taught me accordingly: never forcing or pressurizing me to do anything.


AIR - 533

JEE Advance - 2020

I am a student of Manifest Vision two years classroom Program secured AIR 533 in JEE Main 2021 which only became possible because of contineous and comprehensive support of my teachers


AIR - 703

JEE MAIN - 2021

Manifest Vision converts a student's potential to his success. Manifest Vision Intensive Personal Care helps a student to achieve his goal along with best Academic Planning. No one provides mentorship like Manifest Vision detailed schedule, regular motivation and the best JEE preparation strategy.

Rakesh Panjiar

AIR - 80

JEE Advance - 2021

The matter was very concise. The style of teaching is unique and even the most difficult topics become easy to understand with the animations. It helped me to focus on my weak as well as strong topics. The regular interaction with faculty team also helped me to rectify my weak points.

Live Classes Online

Live online classes bring you the best of both worlds where you can interact with classmates, ask the teacher questions, and enjoy the social aspect of being with your peers. Real-time question and answer times are now possible and all you need are headphones, a microphone, and a webcam. There's an added benefit of students being able to ask questions via the online chat or verbally at a designated time. Teachers aren't interrupted by the class, the lesson moves smoothly and they can address all questions at a chosen time

Our Chief Mentors

Our chief mentor who has given free guidance for more than 1.5 lakhs so far and now he acts as Chief mentor of MANIFEST VISION . He will act as a full-time chief mentor for all programs in MANIFEST VISION . He teaches and interacts with each MANIFEST VISION student personally and monitors on a daily basis. our all chief mentors will engage with students over the phone daily to guide them on various aspects of life, He has visited more than 250 Colleges across the country in addition to his mentoring and teaching activities for student communities on Guidance career, personality development, job opportunities especially on IIT, MEDICAL, and Other competitive top exams, AIM fixing, Depression, Decision making, Confusion, Memory techniques, Focus, Time management, etc. and Different career opportunities for last 25 years.

He teaches several IIT ,MEDICAL exam subjects to the young aspirants. His students have selected and Admissions in Top Indian /Foreign college for several years. He made thousands of successful students in his journey.

Our chief Mentors helpline no-

Deepak sinha - 7643977246

Dinesh kumar - 6204288867

Mahadev Tripathi - 8002089534

Live Doubt Solving

Often, teachers spend hours and even the whole I day answering online doubts and questions asked by students. Many times, they are required to answer the same doubts and questions time and again. A conventional approach like this guzzles up their coaching bandwidth. But Manifest Vision resolves this challenge to a significant extent How?

Yes.Manifest Vision online doubt solving feature enables you to consolidate all the similar questions, helps teachers to answer and upload them in the system, and notify students once the answers are ready. Students, in turn, receive the notification on the application or email. As a result, teachers save time answering the questions, and students also get answers to their questions in a relatively quicker manner.

Key advantages of Recording Live Classes

If a student happens to miss one of your lectures, student can be always on top of your preparation by accessing recordings of live classes for all students to access at their convenience). This allows all students to keep up with the curriculum.

Comprehensive Study Material

We have developed a unique and exhaustive study material for our students. Study packages are given for every chapters which contains all the concepts as well as exercises pertaining to CBSE, JEE MAINS, JEF. ADVANCED,NEET and OLYMPIADS. Previous years asked questions from IIT- JEE are also included at the end of each chapter so that a student can judge his preparation at the actual IIT-JEE level. Apart from study packages DPP (daily preparation at the actual IIT-JEE level. Danita Apart from study packages DPP (daily practice problems) sheets are also given to students after every class which is completely discussed in the class itself.

Thoroughly researched study material is provided to the students along with high quality Assignments. Each and every question of assignment is discussed in detail. This way students get enough time to prepare and practice a topic so as to gain mastery over it. Moreover the students score well both in boards and competitive exams. Also students get to know the difficulties they face while solving problems and become more confident in subject.

Deliverables after admissions for Online

Live Classes

Access of Online Live Classes

Online Test Series for IIT JEE &NEET.

Online Class Tests.

Study material / class notes (digital)

Recorded Videos

Advantage of Online Live Classes

It is Cost Effective

You can prepare from anywhere and avoid the hassle of finding the right Coaching, Accommodation, Food Expenses etc.

All Preparation Material at one place

Since the recorded version of the lecture will be available, you can access them later in case you missed out.

Performance Analysis through Mocks

Live Doubt Clearing Sessions

Updated free Study Materials

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Classes available both Online & Offline ? Yes ! the Classes will be conducted online wherein students will be interacting with the mentor to solve their queries

What if I miss the Online Lecture? The recorded version of the course will be available for students who have enrolled for the program. In case a student misses out on the online lecture, a recorded version of the course will always be provided to our students.

Will Course Materials be provided? Yes! Study Materials will be provided to all our registered candidates to help them assist with the preparation.

What will be scenario after Lockdown? Students will have the option to convert their mode of study from only online Live Classes to physical classroom program also once the physical classes get start after the lockdown

I have already enrolled in the Physical Classroom Program. How will I get the Online Class? Do I have to pay for the classes again? Students can enrol in physical classroom program now also but they have to attend only online Live Classes till the further communication from Govt. or concern authorities to start the physical classes. Once lockdown will open, and physical classes will be allowed, these students will start attending the physical classes as per their schedule at the centres.